Phone: (416) 364-62297
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Phelps understands that organizations seek more than technical defense against cyber attacks; they seek leaders who can navigate the complexities of cyber and information security and build teams, relationships, alliances, and external resources/networks for which they can collaborate and depend on.

We aim to enable your business's resilience in this challenging landscape. With continuing year-over-year increases in the number of interactive intrusion campaigns, the need for balanced, expert-led - relationship-based leadership in cyber security has never been more critical. At Phelps, we recognize your need for confidence and strong partnership amidst these challenges.

With over 30 years of experience in executive recruitment, we have learned the value of trust and strategic alignment in leadership roles. Our service uniquely combines identifying leaders skilled in managing complex risks, helping your organization understand how to support these leaders, and strength in growing great talent in organizations.

Contact today using the form below to discuss how we can best support you in the following three areas:

Balanced Leadership Assessment
Strategic Recruitment
Integrated Support and Development

Request a Free Consultation